Meet Our Amazing Teachers!

Paulo Pacifici

Paulo Pacifici

Paulo’s journey with yoga began in 2001, sparking a lifelong passion for this philosophy of life. Over the past two decades, he has honed his expertise through countless courses, studying under esteemed teachers such as Professor DeRose. In 2007, Paulo brought DeRose Meditation to the United Kingdom and in 2017 established the renowned DeRose Meditation Soho. His exceptional teaching has garnered incredible reviews from credited meditators, and he has had the privilege of coaching beloved celebrities and top athletes, making a profound impact on their lives.

Stephanie Powell

Stephanie Powell

Originally from the UK, Stephanie began teaching yoga while living in South America almost 10 years ago. Since then, she has been instrumental in translating the works of DeRose and other teachers to English, and has acted as a partner and teacher at several DeRose Meditation studios around the world, guiding hundreds of students in their practice both in person and online.

"What I most love about yoga is that it combines so many things that were already great passions of mine, and which I never imagined could complement each other in a single place! From my passion for constant and continuous learning, adapting and growing as a lifestyle, to living more sustainably, reinforcing my connection and understanding of myself in order to allow me to connect and understand better other people, the planet and society at large"